POSIDRAG is a made up word. It means something like ying yang, but a positive drag, or maybe it's just something I misheard and really like how it felt to say (and think).
One of my favorite activities in the past few years has been games of Draw + Pass - a drawing exercise to get ideas flowing. I wanted to find a way to keep playing and see how many different brains would interpret a simple idea but with countless miles between us. It started with a size restraint and a prompt, an evolution of a game from warm summers' nights.
As everyone gets older, and we collect creative friends, yet continue to be transient, the idea of staying connected in a small, but creatively challenging way feels exciting and comforting.
POSIDRAG is a zine of sorts, a collection of drawings by my friends and acquaintances. Making the distance close.
- Kami Baergen, Artist & Friend